Many members of the team are specialists in the professions, especially accounting and law. We are also working with professional bodies such as the Law Society and ACCA, to assist in designing what we do and reaching the wider professional communities.
Alistair Brisbourne, Head of Technology Research, ACCA
Tara Chittenden, Foresight Manager, The Law Society
Kevin Hart, CEO and Executive Chairperson, BASDA (Business Application Software Developers’ Association)
Caroline Hobden, Portfolio Director, Accountex
Paul Nightingale, Professor of Strategy, University of Sussex /SPRU
TiPS builds on a previous project
TiPS is part of the
TiPS is independent of any technology vendor, consultancy provider, or other commercial interest. It is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Grant number ES/X014428/1.