21st August 2024

TiPS Foundational Acceleration briefing session and Q&A


Are you a mid-tier or smaller law or accounting firm seeking to make better use of technology in serving clients and running your business?

Join this session to hear about the free training and support provided by TiPS (Technology in Professional Services), which will focus on the use of Microsoft 365 Power Automate and support you in applying it to a selected process in your firm. Many firms already have a licence that includes Power Automate, so this initiative can help you to make use of something you are already paying for, as well as opening up new ways of thinking about the use of technology in your business.


  • Martin Spring, Lancaster University Management School
  • Tzameret Rubin, Oxford Brookes University

Please register in advance and a TEAMS joining link will be sent before the event.


Taking place on Tuesday 3rd September, 13:00-13:45. Book your place here.

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